Franklin Janitorial Services, As an industrialist Company located in Kansas City, Missouri. We offer a professional cleaning service to apartment complexes and businesses. George Franklin the primary owner will guarantee a quality service to clients interested in a well-maintained cleaning service. The business will operate Monday through Saturday with flexible hours.
The owner / Independent contractor George Franklin of City Wide Maintenance Co. brings 10 years of experience cleaning Military office buildings. I got this experience while I was on active duty for the military from 1989-1999 (specialist) at the Richard Gabaur Air Force Base in Belton Missouri. Although my primary mos were 63B, which is a Light wheel vehicle mechanic; cleaning was part of the daily routine.
Franklin Janitorial Services is dedicated to providing the best cleaning service for your business. By working with our customers on a personal level, we will help to make your office building clean and orderly, so that we will be able to keep our biggest asset “the customer” happy, with a smile on their face. With the determination and motivation that we have, we will strive for excellence and also keep a strong healthy relationship with our customers.
With the knowledge that I have obtained from researching my industry and by networking with others, I am able to present to my clients and potential customers a business proposal. The proposal that I will offer is on how their business can save more money; and not by compromising on the clean ness of the office building. Also, I am able to show my clients that Franklin Janitorial Services can clean their building(s) in a cost effective manor; plus, you get more for your money. I will present each of our clients with a detailed plan of the services we offer, and how it will be beneficial to their business.